Terms & Conditions

This website (https://accupaysystems.com) is owned and operated by AccuPay, Inc. Although very rare our website may contain advertisements, sponsored content, paid insertions or links to our partners' websites.

We abide by word of mouth marketing standards and we believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. We do not advertise on our website. All our offerings are either wholly owned by AccuPay or one of our partners.

In the event we have an ad on our website, any compensation received, if any, may influence the advertising content, topics or posts we make. Nevertheless, we shall clearly identify such content, advertising space or post as paid or sponsored content.

We are never directly compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. From time to time you may find posts from our guest bloggers and partners. Therefore views and opinions expressed on this website are purely those of the authors.
